A Year (or More) of Photos

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Sunday, March 31, 2019

Country in the Park, 2019

Country in the Park, 2019

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Dragon Tree - Before and After

Dragon Tree - Before and After - Two photos of the same tree. The tree vaguely resembled a dragon.

The first was when it was still in fairly good shape, the second was taken a year or two later, after Hurricane Irma (2017) came through the Tampa Bay area.

Dragon tree, before. A little imagination is needed here; there's even a little light coming through where an eye would be, around the middle of the photo.

To buy a print copy of this photo, check here for prices, then here to contact, unless listed as NFS (not for sale).

After - A lot less magical in it's decay.

Two last photos (before) of this particular tree.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Country in the Park, 2019

Country in the Park, 2019

A subtle difference, taken a fraction of a second after the previous photo.

Thursday, March 14, 2019