Looking for Breakfast, Digital - A 20 X 30 inch framed copy of this photo is available for sale at Robin Shwedo Productions. (Frame adds 2 inches to both sides for a total of 22 X 32 inches.) Check here, and/or contact (if seriously interested). This photo won first place several years ago at the Pinellas Park Art Society.
Morning Sunlight Through Trees - A 20 X 30 inch framed copy of this photo is available for sale at Robin Shwedo Productions. (Frame adds 2 inches to both sides for a total of 22 X 32 inches.) Check here, and/or contact (if seriously interested).
African Journalists, University of South Florida St. Petersburg, 3 - A continuation of September 3rd's and September 7th's photos. All three days' photos are from several years ago.
Anhinga, Showing Off - A 20 X 30 inch framed copy of this photo is available for sale at Robin Shwedo Productions. (Frame adds 2 inches to both sides for a total of 22 X 32 inches.) Check here, and/or contact (if seriously interested).