A Year (or More) of Photos

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Monday, March 31, 2014

Clothesline Project

Clothesline Project - The Clothesline Project is a program that addresses violence against women, especially, but not exclusively, domestic violence. (Yes, I know domestic violence affects men, too.) The Clothesline Project, which started on Cape Cod, MA, allows affected women a way to express what has happened to them. Many times, however, friends or family members decorate a shirt for the local Clothesline Project in memory of someone who has died due to abuse.

NOTE: If you or someone you love is a victim of domestic violence/abuse, please seek help. If that person is in immediate danger, dial 9-1-1 (if available in your area), or have the emergency police number memorized for immediate help. In the U.S., help can also be obtained by calling 1−800−799−7233 or TTY 1−800−787−3224 or on the web at http://www.thehotline.org/.

The first three photos were taken at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg, while the last one was taken at another location in St. Petersburg. This photo was posted at the same location.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Looking for Breakfast, 2

Looking For Breakfast, 2 - This, along with Looking For Breakfast were taken less than a minute apart. Looking For Breakfast was digitally changed to tweak the colors; Looking For Breakfast, 2, is with the colors left "as is."

To buy a print copy of this photo, check here for prices, then here to contact, unless listed as NFS (not for sale).

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

John and Phyllis

John and Phyllis - from photo documentary A La Familia.

Disclosure: John and Phyllis, the couple in these two photos, are my dad and stepmom. They frequently came to Florida to visit family.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Vines, Sawgrass Lake Park

Vines, Sawgrass Lake Park - Pinellas County, Florida

To buy a print copy of this photo, check here for prices, then here to contact, unless listed as NFS (not for sale).

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Fair Food

Fair Food - After disappearing for 10 years, the Pinellas County (Florida) Fair made a comeback in 2011. The first year, the fair was small, especially by county fair standards, and was held in Pinellas Park's England Brothers Park. As was the custom in years past, the fair was held in March. Since that first comeback year, the Pinellas County Fair has continued to grow. This year, it will be held in October.

For several years, Pinellas Park attempted to revive the city's 4th of July celebration, but holding it on the 3rd. However, it soon became too expensive.

Pinellas County Fair - March, 2011

Pinellas Park's 4th of July celebration, July 3, 2011

Monday, March 17, 2014

Florida Antiquarian Book Fair

Florida Antiquarian Book Fair - The 33rd annual Florida Antiquarian Book Fair was held this past weekend at St. Petersburg's historic Coliseum. Exhibitors from across the country come to this annual event. More photos will show up here over the next week or two.

Note: A scene or two from the movie Cocoon was filmed in the Coliseum.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Brady Johnson

Brady Johnson - Brady Johnson, also known as Mr. I-Got-'Em, sells BBQ and veggies at the St. Petersburg Saturday Market. From October through late May, the market is located on St. Pete's waterfront at 101 1 Street South (1st Avenue and 1st Street South). From June through late August, it moves to St. Pete's Williams Park. The photo of Mr. Johnson was taken on August 27, 2011.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Climbing Tower

Climbing Tower - Pinellas Park's 4th of July celebration, held on July 3, 2011.

This photo, as well as others on A Year (Or More) Of Photos can be seen at http://robinshwedoproductions.weebly.com. Many of these photos are sold at that site.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Whimzey, Two

Whimzey, Two - Safety Harbor, Florida - The Whimzey house in Safety Harbor is owned by a couple of artists and is well-known, at least locally. It has been featured on HGTV Extreme Homes, on RoadsideAmerica.com, and Tampa Bay's NBC affiliate's Daytime. An article about Whimzey House was in the Tampa Tribune in December, 2012.

Finally, these two photos, as well as others on A Year (Or More) Of Photos can be seen at http://robinshwedoproductions.weebly.com. Many of these photos are sold at that site.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

On Salt Creek

On Salt Creek - On Earth Day, 2011, Tom Hallock's Nature Writing class (USFSP) went to Bartlett Park in St. Petersburg to continue cleaning up parts of Salt Creek. Here, Hallock and one of the students have just launched in one of the many rowboats and kayaks to clean up the creek.

Friday, March 7, 2014


Finale - The final art show at St. Petersburg's Salt Creek Artworks. The art hung during the showing, titled Finale, was strictly that of the artists who were being displaced by the artworks' closing.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Working the Crowd

Working the Crowd Former president Bill Clinton and Kendrick Meek on stage at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg. Meek was running in the 2010 three-way race for U.S. Senate, against Republican Marco Rubio and then-Independent Governor Charlie Crist.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Later, Gator

Later, Gator - Sawgrass Lake Park, Pinellas County, Florida

To buy a print copy of this photo, check here for prices, then here to contact, unless listed as NFS (not for sale).

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Approaching Storm

Approaching Storm - Indian Rocks Beach - digital photography

Two views of a thunderstorm approaching last August. The first one is the regular shot of it...

...while this one is digitally tweaked. I feel it gives it the feel of a postcard from the mid-Twentieth Century. Yes? No? Maybe? Let me know your thoughts on this.